Mind Therapy Clinic welcomes Katherine Dittmann, MS, RDN, Nutrition Therapist.
It is with pleasure we welcome Katherine Dittmann, MS, RDN, to Mind Therapy Clinic. Katherine is a nutrition therapist specializing in eating behaviors and disorders, and has worked the full spectrum of eating disorder treatment for a decade. Katherine uses a food-positive and pragmatic approach, weaving in concepts from yoga and mindfulness to help people connect with the body and eat with more ease. Katherine is a certified Mindfulness-Based Yoga Therapy for Eating Disorders teacher, certified Mindful Self-Compassion teacher, and former chef. Learn More About Katherine.
At Mind Therapy Clinic, Katherine will lead Therapeutic Meal Group for Eating Recovery. This group is part nutrition education and part culinary skills development, and is designed around a coached meal and post-meal process group. Even as recovery progresses, many people encounter difficulties at meal time such as trying new foods, preparing their own food, and implementing skills from intuitive and mindful eating. This group intends to bridge that gap and act as a laboratory to learn about and practice new skills and discover the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that show up during meals that may be inhibiting progress in recovery.
Some objectives for this group are:
- Exposure to new or challenging foods
- Learn simple cooking techniques
- Increase comfort with social eating
- Practice mindful and intuitive eating skills
- Reinforce adequate portions and balanced meals
- Encourage enjoyment when eating
- Provide community support
- Increase awareness and tolerance of thoughts and feelings when eating
- Practice challenging food beliefs in the moment
- Apply self compassion when eating is hard
See Mind Therapy Group Program Schedule.