Take charge of your life and healing
Many people seek treatment because they feel stuck. Taking Charge is an open discussion group where individuals share successes and struggles in their efforts to get unstuck. This group is designed to help members deepen their understanding of what gets in the way of building a life worth living and avoid unhealthy and unsafe behaviors.
Clients are expected to offer and receive support and feedback and will be encouraged to focus on their own actions and choices. The goal of the Taking Charge group is to help clients move from stuck individuals to people taking charge of their lives and healing.
Questions about Taking Charge Group? Ask Dr. Blagys.
Matt Blagys, P.H.D.
Jennifer Zanoli, PsyD
starting 5/1/24 (time change) Wednesdays, 11:30 am to 12:50 pm
IN-Person at our Corte Madera Office
240 Tamal Vista Blvd., Suite 250
Corte Madera, California 94925
Upcoming Group Schedule
Group Therapy Schedule